FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE PILOT'S and Aerosoft to release Flight Operation Center SEFollowing public demand, DANUR CFS have decided to cooperate with Pilot's software and Aerosoft to release a limited version of Flight Operation Center. This new version, called FOC Special Edition, is now available in shops around the world. FOC SE includes all features of the current 1.26 version available on this website but is an offline version which does not include the online features like weather and navigation data downloads. In order to upgrade your FOC SE to a normal Online Edition, please click here.
DANUR CFS Release Flight Operation Center Version 1.27DANUR CFS have released version 1.27 of it's popular Flight planning suite. Primary upgrades are improved FS connectivity with FS X DANUR CFS Release Flight Operation Center Version 1.26 with FS X support11.11.2006This release includes compatibility to Microsoft Flight Simulator X. Ready for the Navigation Data Upgrades and bugfixes.23.12.2005 This release introduces a long requested feature into FOC, the conversion of weight units in flight plan printing. To use this feature, first calculate a flight plan normally, then use the small list window below the route selection window to select your preferred output format. This Service Pack fixes reported bugs of FOC V such as the NAT Track import and bugs updating and activating NAV data. FOC V caters for this new format of NAT tracks published got a change in date format. With FOC V we delivered NAT tracks *.W033 and *.E033 in old format and these sets cause a crash when you try to proceed trunc routes. They are repalaced by other now, but this patch cannot remove the old ones. Please delete them using the OTS tool. Issues addressed in V1.2.5: Some small Bugfixes in the Aircraft Editor. Bugs in ESAD- and ECO Fuel Computing fixed. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by these bugs! -------------------- Diese Version ermöglicht das Drucken von Flugplänen in anderen Gewichtseinheiten als die dem Flugzeug vorgegebene. Um dieses Feature zu benutzen, rechnen Sie zunächst einen Plan normal, dann benutzen Sie das Listenfenster unterhalb des Routenfensters um die gewünschten Formate zu erhalten. Dieses Service-Pack korrigiert aufgetretene Fehler im FOC V, wie den Import von NAT-Tracks ud Fehler im Handling der NAV Data Updates. Eben als wir die FOC V publizierten hat uns die Nachricht erreicht, dass der OTS Import nicht funktioniert. Der Grund dafür war eine Aenderung im Datum-Format der NAT Tracks. Wir haben dies ebenfalls angepasst. Die in FOC V mitgelieferten NAT tracks *.W033 und *.E033 sind irrtümlich in einem alten Format und verursachen einen Programmcrash, sobald Sie damit versuchen Truncrouten zu generieren. Wir haben sie hier durch andere ersetzt, jedoch kann das Setup die alten nicht löschen. Wir bitten Sie, dieses im OTS Tool selber zu tun, indem Sie die Sets markieren und mit DELETE löschen. IN V1.2.5: Kleine Bugfixes im Aircraft Editor. Bugs in der ESAD- and ECO Fuel Rechnung behoben. Für die Unannehmlichkeiten, die Ihnen aus diesen Mängeln entstanden sind, möchten wir uns entschuldigen! CH-Olten, 20.12.2005 H. Oetiker
30.5.2005 After a long waiting time, the much desired option of Navigational Data updates has been released today. From this moment on, navigational data are available to be updated on a 28 day cycle base. For more information see the product page. Users that have already downloaded the 1.23 version of FOC will have to download the latest version 1.23.1 again from the same link in order to profit from Navdata Services. 30.4.2005 Danur Computerflight Systems have released Version 1.23 of it's popular Flight Operation Center Software. The primary reason for the upgrade is the shortly to be expected implementation of Navigation Data upgrades, a new and improved requester utility and many bug fixes. You can download a full install or just the update in our download section.
10.03.2004 Danur Computerflight Systems have released an upgrade to Version 1.22 of it's popular Flight Operation Center. Many known issues and bugs have been fixed in this version. You can download either a full install or just the update in our download section. 2004 DANUR Computerflight Systems have released an upgrade to version 1.21 of its popular Flight Operation Center. Both an updated Installation file and a WINZIP File with only the upgraded files are available. Bugs and corrections: BUGFIXES V 1.2.0 to V 1.2.1 21.01.2004 DANUR Computerflight Systems have completed a major upgrade to Flight Operation Center. Version 1.2 delivers enhanced performance due to a radical redesign of the navigation database and the handling of data. Additionally, most user concerns have been addressed in this version. DANUR Flight Operation Center 2004 Version 1.2 Fact Sheet For More Information Contact: |
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